Archive Mode. Call UWS 2017 Spring Open Exhibition ended on 3/13/17, 8:00 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls

Utah Watercolor Society 2017 Spring Exhibition

2016 Spring Exhibition Best of Show 
On a Clear Day by Kristi Grussendorf

May 3 –  June 28, 2017

Utah Cultural Celebration Center, West Valley City, Utah

DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES – March 13, 2017, 8:00pm

All Entrants must read and adhere to all guidance outlined in the UWS 2017 Spring Exhibition Prospectus, with special attention paid to the "Terms and Conditions" for entry. Click the links below to review the guidelines. The links will open in a new browser tab to allow for review during the online entry process. 

Exhibition Prospectus (Click to read)

Directions for Online Entry
Step 1: Image Capture. Before beginning registration, you will need a high quality digital image for each painting. Do not include mat or frame in your submitted image. Set your digital camera or personal device to a high quality setting to take the photo. If using a newer model personal device or cell phone, recommend transferring a LARGE image to a computer for adjustment, as overall image size cannot exceed 4MB. Open, level, crop and adjust your image as appropriate. You may need to adjust the longest side of your image to between 1920 pixels (smallest) and 4600px (largest). Save your image(s) for later retrieval. Image sizing assistance is available before March 6, 2017.
Step 2: Create User Account. User accounts from previous UWS exhibitions do not carry over. To create your unique user account, go to and select “Register” in the upper right of your screen. All Entrants must have a valid email address to enter. Fill in all appropriate fields; then create your user account. You may optionally add a short biography statement in your user account.
Step 3: Payment. After establishing your user account, input your email address and password to login. ArtCall requires payment before submitting entry details and uploading images. You can pay using a credit card on this same secure site. You may pay for three entries at once, or submit one at a time. Contact the Exhibition Coordinator if payment by check is your only option (March 6th is the deadline for receiving check payments).
Step 4: Input Entry Specifics. After paying, follow the prompts to input your entry information for title, category, media, size, price, and artist’s statement. The artist’s statement is optional. If you are entering multiple works for consideration, enter painting details for all entries. Note: All paintings must be for sale.
Step 5: Image Upload. Upload your high quality image(s) from your computer, smart phone, or other personal device. Size criteria will be displayed. If your image does not meet the required specifications (i.e. too large or too small), you will receive a notice to make adjustments. Once your image upload finishes, select the blue  “View Final Submission” button at the bottom left of the screen, to verify your entry.
Step 6: Verify Entry. After selecting “View Final Submission,” you will be taken back to your main account page. If all is well, you will see a small icon-sized view of your painting image with your entry submission. If your image upload was not successful, you will see a warning that no image is attached to your entry. To review your entry details, select the blue icon that looks like a bulleted list. If you need to make any changes, click on the orange “Edit” icon at the far right column of the entry.
Repeat Steps 2-5 for additional entries, as appropriate.
You will be able to access and make changes to your submissions up until the entry deadline. Once finished, you can verify your entry from your main login page. To later edit your entry or entries, go back to the same website and click the blue “login” button. Enter your email and password to open your user account. If you wish to change an entry, select the “edit” option to change entry details. If you want to change the image, select the red trashcan option under the image. Then upload a new image. Do NOT delete the entire entry (trashcan on the far right). If you inadvertently click the wrong trashcan button, you will be given a warning and asked if you wish to continue. Select “Cancel.” To re-enter a deleted submission, you will need to contact the Exhibition Coordinator to avoid being charged another entry fee. No entry fee refunds will be issued once payment is received.
Note: If you think you may struggle with either the online entry process and/or need image preparation assistance, we have a team ready to help! However, your deadline comes a week early. Please be courteous and plan ahead. Contact the UWS Exhibition Coordinator before March 6, 2017. 
More questions? Contact the Exhibition Coordinator, Colleen Reynolds, (801) 560-2554,